Web Application

You can use Actable AI's cloud based web application to analyze data of any size. To import data, you can either upload CSV or Excel files or connect to most SQL-speaking relational database management system (RDBMS). You can analyze any tabular data (numbers, text) with Actable AI.

To start, you need to sign up on our web application (app.actable.ai) with either your google account or an email. To get access to our Google Sheets add-on, you must use the same email for both Actable AI web app and for your Google account for the Google Sheets.

The video below shows how to sign up and use Actable AI's web application.

Actable AI's web application also offers wide range or data visualizations (offered free to our customers) and sharable dashboard. You can share all of your data, analytics, and dashboards wit you collaborators. Please check sharing section for more information.

Actable AI
Actable AI Technologies LTD
UK Company Number: 12669336
Malta Company Number: C99699