Q: Is it available to be deployed on premises or private clouds?

Yes, we also support isolated deployments on our cloud. Please contact us for more details.

Q: Who uses Actable AI?

It is used by a wide range of organizations and individuals, including data analysts, data scientists, data consultants, and other professionals who work with data. Actable AI is particularly well-suited for organizations that have multiple data sets and need to ask common questions about the data, or for those who want to quickly build and deploy predictive models without having to write complex code.

Q: Can I only use the Google Sheets add-on?

Yes, you are free to use only the add-on but to get access to the add-on you must register on our web app first. Make sure to use the same email for our web app and your Google Sheets. Please see getting started page under Resources section for more info.

Q: How BIG can my data source be?

There is a 100MB file size limit for uploaded datasets (you can upload multiple 100MB datasets). For bigger data sets, we can load them directly from your databases.


Q: Can I connect Actable AI to my database?

Yes, Actable AI can analyze datasets that exist in your own database once you set up the connection. The following RDBMS are currently supported: Amazon Athena; Amazon Redshift; Apache Drill; Apache Druid; Apache Hive; Apache Impala; Apache Kylin; Apache Pinot; Apache; Spark SQL; BigQuery; ClickHouse; Google Sheets; Greenplum; IBM Db2; MySQL; Oracle; PostgreSQL; Presto; Snowflake; SQLite; SQL Server; Teradata; Vertica.

Q: What kind of data can I analyze with Actable AI?

Any tabular dataset consisting of numbers and text (no image support). Actable AI supports both small and large datasets.  

Q: Do I need to separate accounts for web app and Google Sheets add-on?

No, only one subscription and the same account will give you access to both web app and Google Sheets add-on without any extra cost.

Actable AI
Actable AI Technologies LTD
UK Company Number: 12669336
Malta Company Number: C99699